To celebrate our biggest year ever, and the commitment of our extraordinary employees, CarltonOne is funding a special holiday gift to plant 1 million trees. Just 20 months ago we launched our first eco-action project to turn every transaction on our employee engagement platforms into funding for tree planting.
Since then, in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects, we have funded 10 million trees and mangroves in communities across Madagascar, Nepal, Kenya, Indonesia and Mozambique.
“Early last year we embarked on this audacious eco-action mission. We found an amazing partner in Eden Reforestation Projects, and together we have been able to fund the planting of 10 million trees, and counting.” CarltonOne founder and CEO Rob Purdy said. “Our clients, and their members around the world, are looking for new ways to make work mean more with purpose-driven social responsibility programs. In 2022, we’re planning to rapidly accelerate our funding as we add more clients, more transactions and new ways to turn member actions into eco-action.”
Today, member actions in Power2Motivate, Global Reward Solutions storefront, Evergrow™ and Kart™ generate funding that Eden Reforestation uses in projects around the world.
Reclaiming carbon from the skies to the roots.
Planting trees is one of the best eco-weapons we have against atmospheric climate change. Trees and mangroves naturally absorb and store dangerous carbon. In fact, just one tree can remove up to 48 lbs. of carbon every year.
Trees offer more than just a natural way to sequester carbon from the atmosphere. Trees also provide safe harbour for native animals, insects, pollinators and plants. New forests protect local ecosystems against extreme weather events triggered by climate change. Roots stabilize soil against landslides and mangroves protect beachfronts from erosion and damaging storm surges.
Trees grow communities
Wherever we plant trees, we’re also growing communities. Eden Reforestation Projects targets high-priority sites suffering from deforestation and severe poverty that have globally significant biodiversity values. Our direct funding is being used to create full-time employment and income security for local planters in Madagascar, Nepal, Kenya, Mozambique and Indonesia.
Protecting and nurturing new trees is just as vital as the initial planting. Our funding also ensures the monitoring and long-term viability of seedlings, so they can mature into lush forests and healthy mangroves. You can see Eden’s monitoring and verification techniques and technologies in action here.
Recently, Eden announced that, despite devastating COVID-19 challenges throughout 2021, they have produced, planted and protected over 280 million trees. Next year, with the help of contributions from CarltonOne and their other donors, Eden is scaling up to plant 500 million trees. It’s an extraordinary goal, and one that we are proud to be able to help them achieve.
Connecting employee engagement and incentive behaviours to real-world climate change eco-action is tangible proof that we can make work mean more, one moment at a time. To find out more about our eco-action plans, and the products they are fuelled by, please visit