12,000 bees have landed at CarltonOne

Our mission is to create talent technology that helps our clients make work more meaningful for their employees. And the one unifying belief that we all share is a need to do more to protect our planet.

We’ve already taken many positive steps to fulfill our mission, and today, we’re thrilled to announce another: the new CarltonOne bee hive has been installed.

Located on the nature reserve just next to our new offices, our hive consists of 16 frames of eggs, 12,000 bees, and quickly accumulating honey.

Every day, our bees will leave the hive and travel our neighbourhood to forage for nectar, pollen and tree resin. With each honey bee capable of flying up to 6 km., our busy foragers are together travelling over 20,000 km. every day.


The bees in our hive have been specially selected for urban beekeeping and the Canadian climate. The Italian Honey Bee strain is very docile, non-territorial, and will only sting if they believe the hive is in danger.

We’ve partnered with the amazing people at alveole.buzz to install and maintain our hive. They host workshops to explain how our hives are helping the local ecosystem, and in the fall, they will harvest the hive and we will each receive a jar of delicious honey.

Making work more meaningful includes climate action

The CarltonOne bee hive is another in a series of commitments we’re making to improve both our local environment and the global climate. Earlier this year we moved into our new office space, and took a hard look at our carbon footprint. We then started making some changes. No more paper, no more disposable plastics, bags or straws. More virtual meetings and less travel (which foresaw the coronavirus travel restrictions). Our new furniture is a combination of upcycled wood and plastic, with 85% of the raw materials sourced from within North America. While we were making these positive changes, we were also hard at work on our newest initiative: Evergrow, which enables members to fund tree planting with every transaction.

Evergrow has already enabled us to plant over a million new native trees, helping sequester millions of pounds of dangerous CO2 from the atmosphere. Trees are natural carbon sinks directly helping reduce global warming. We’re partnering with organizations like Eden Reforestation Projects, to plant and sustain healthy forests in countries like Madagascar, Indonesia, Nepal, Kenya, Mozambique and Haiti. Funding from every project enriches every local community as residents are employed and fairly paid to plant and nurture native trees. Local projects create local jobs, which creates sustainable development and growth where it’s most needed. You’ll be hearing a lot more about Evergrow in the months ahead.

Creating engagement in every workspace

At Power2Motivate, we understand every aspect of what motivates and engages your employees. We offer a number of different rewards and incentives programs to help boost morale, productivity and revenue at your organization. Our custom-built rewards platforms can incorporate a social news section, so you have the perfect channel to show even at-home employees how much you care about their great work. Contact us today to find out how we can help keep your team members focused and motivated, even while they work remotely. We can set up a demo of our highly configurable engagement platform, so you can see for yourself just how impactful it can be.

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